Calf Blanket-Calf Jacket Washing and Storing Instructions 

You’ve invested in calf blankets-calf jackets for your newborn calves—and hopefully the blankets are keeping your calves warmer, drier, and healthier. Caring for your calf jacket investment is equally as important as using your calf blankets properly.

The benefits of washing calf blankets include increased longevity, reduced bacteria buildup, and maintained performance. Thoroughly wash and dry the blanket/jacket with each calf transition to minimize disease transmission between calves. Here are simple wash, dry, and storage instructions with tips on caring for calf warming blankets.   

How to Wash a Calf Blanket 

After removing the blanket from your calf, inspect it for heavily soiled spots caused by dirt, manure, or scours. Hose off impacted areas and clean out any Velcro—taking these steps beforehand will help get the blanket cleaner while in the washing machine. Secure all straps and close buckles to prevent tangling and buckle breakage.  

Tip—a pet slicker brush works excellent for removing hair and debris from Velcro. 

Steps for Machine Washing a Calf Blanket 

  • Check manufacturer instructions: Once your blankets are prepped for the washing machine, follow any specific instructions listed by the manufacturer on water temperature and recommended cycle settings. Generally, you would wash in a cold or warm setting.  
    • Tip—cold or warm water settings prolong the life of the calf blanket by preventing shrinkage and changes to the insulation. 
  • However, if there are signs of scours, wash in hot setting to kill bacteria. 
  • Use mild detergent only. Do not use bleach or fabric softener. 
  • Wash only a few blankets at a time. Washing too many blankets at a time will overload your machine and they won’t come out as clean. 
  • Line dry is best. But machine dry if specified by the manufacturer. 

Steps for Hand Washing a Calf Blanket 

  • Prepare the water. Fill a large tub or bucket with water and mild detergent.  
  • Add the calf jacket. Thoroughly submerge the calf blanket and then start scrubbing!  
  • Scrub the calf blanket with your hands or a brush.  
  • Rinse thoroughly with clean water. 
    • Alternatively, lay the blanket out on concrete and wet using a hose. Scrub with a broom or brush and rinse well. A power washer will work well too! 
  • Hang to dry. 

How to Store Calf Blankets-Calf Jackets  

After preparing the blanket by washing and thoroughly drying, take the opportunity to inspect it for any rips/tears, or broken fasteners. Mend any rips and replace broken buckles before storing. It’s also a good time to take inventory and order additional blankets if necessary. This way you and the blankets will be ready for the next calving season. 

Store them in a clean, cool, dry area such as your basement to inhibit the growth of mold and mildew. And to keep pests from making a home in the calf blanket while it’s in storage.  

Tip—a popular choice is to place them in totes labeled by size and insulation rating. 

Calf blankets are a great addition to your calving operation. They help fend off cold stress, support rate of gain, and promote overall health of your newborns. Taking care of the blankets will increase blanket longevity from year-to-year and help maintain functionality. Most importantly, a properly cleaned and dried blanket optimizes the insulation for comfortable calves on chilly days.  

View the benefits of calf blankets and how to choose the right one 

See how the blankets Leedstone offers compare  

Selecting the right calf blanket size varies per manufacturer. Learn more about the right size of calf blanket for your animals here.

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