Calf Blanket-Calf Jacket Size Guide 

Getting the Right Size of Calf Blanket-Calf Jacket  

Calf blankets or calf jackets help regulate a newborn calf’s body temperature, preserve energy, and add a layer of protection against cold weather elements. Having the right size and fit is essential for calves to benefit based on the calf warming blanket features.  

When Should I Use a Calf Blanket?  

Here are some general guidelines for when to use calf blankets-calf jackets: 

  • If the calf is less than 3-weeks of age and the ground is frozen, use a blanket.  
  • If the calf is older than 3 weeks of age the calf can thermoregulate body temperature better in comparison to the newborn stage, and the blanket can be removed (weather permitting).  
    • If the outside temperature is 40 °F or lower, consider keeping the blanket on a little longer as long as the straps are not digging into the calf.  

Additional Considerations

Ensure the calf is not sweating during the day while wearing the calf jacket as this can cause heat loss during the night. If this is the case, consider removing the blanket during the day and replacing it at night.  

If calves are newborns up to 3-weeks of age and are wearing double-insulated calf blanket, consider switching to single-insulated calf blankets for less stress and to help acclimate calves to temperature fluctuations.

How Should a Calf Blanket Fit? 

A calf blanket should fit snug, with just enough room to slide your hand under the blanket (once it’s fitted on the calf), yet loose enough to remain in place and not so tight the straps cause irritation.  

Many calf blankets are equipped with multiple straps and fasteners. Including an adjustable chest strap with buckle or adjustable hook and loop closure. Elastic or adjustable straps that fasten behind the front legs, rear legs, and/or under the belly. The closures include Velcro and/or buckles. Most straps are adjustable to accommodate calf growth. Check the fit periodically and adjust the fit of the blanket as the calf grows.  

Why is a Properly Fitted Calf Blanket Important? 

  • Provides optimal comfort 
    It provides an additional layer of warmth allowing the calf to benefit from the features a blanket offers during cold temperatures. If it’s not fitted correctly, the blanket will not provide proper insulation. 
  • Stays in place 
    If the blanket is too loose, it can slip off and the calf can become tangled in the straps causing stress and possible harm to the calf. 
  • Prevents Injury 
    If the blanket is too tight, the straps can rub, causing irritation to the animal’s skin. It also inhibits air movement between the calf and blanket, causing the calf to sweat. 

How to Measure a Calf for a Blanket

Measuring a calf for a blanket is done all over the world using different methods. Depending on where you live, it may be suggested to measure along the back, around the chest behind the front legs, around the belly, or by weight estimation or breed. And, some of these factors are important when sizing a calf for a jacket.  

The best way to measure a calf for their jacket, however, is measuring along the back—from the neck to the tail.  

Select the calf jacket size, based on this measurement, to best coincide with the manufacturer calf blanket measurements (see below). 

Calf Blanket Sizes and Dimensions 

Depending on the manufacturer, different sizes can mean different measurements. See below for the sizes of each brand of calf blanket/calf jacket. 

Blanket Dimension Guide

Amish-Made Calf Blanket-Calf Jacket 

  • Jersey—overall length 30-inches; 27-1/2-inches from base of head to tail; 29-inches wide. 
  • Regular—overall length 35-inches; 26-inches from base of head to tail; 28-inches wide. 

4D Ag Fashion Leedstone Calf Jacket-Calf Blanket 

  • Large—overall length 33-inches; 25-inches from base of head to tail; 27-1/2-inches wide. 

UDDER TECH Calf Blanket-Calf Jacket 

  • Small—overall length 26-inches; 23-inches from base of head to tail; 25-inches wide. 
  • Medium—overall length 30-inches; 27-inches from base of head to tail; 29-inches wide. 
  • Large—overall length 34-inches; 31-inches from base of head to tail; 33-inches wide. 

View the benefits of calf blankets and how to choose the right one.

See how the blankets Leedstone offers compare.  

Washing and storing calf blankets—learn more here.  

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