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Horse Antibiotics

We love our horses. Yet, they can get into shenanigans of one kind or another. Having an arsenal of antibiotics in your horse’s first aid kit can come in handy in a time of need.

Antibiotics for horses are available in multiple forms—oral liquid, tablets, powder, topical cream, ointment, and injectable. All designed to provide effective treatment to the site of infection. When your horse scrapes a leg or gets a scratch on the eye, you can choose the right antibiotic for the job from Leedstone. Leedstone offers multiple options for topical wound care, featuring Silver Honey, Underwood Horse Medicine, and more. Providing a selection of over-the-counter topicals for wound treatment and prescription medications like Uniprim and SMZ tablets.

In addition to antibiotics, bandaging material and disposable gloves are essential items for wound treatment. Boostering the animal’s tetanus vaccine may be advised, depending on vaccine history and the severity or type of wound. Leedstone can help you prepare for the little mishaps by offering preferred options of horse antibiotics.

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