Stearns Veterinary Outlet and Pharmacy Announces New Name “LEEDSTONE”

When we made the decision to simplify the company name, we knew you’d have questions. And rightly so! As we proceed through this transition, answering your questions is a priority. Hopefully this will answer some of them.

Same owners and team?

Yes! You can be assured that you’re still talking to and working with the same experienced, friendly and dedicated people. You know us—you know our products, you know our people—none of that has changed.

And, you can get in touch with each of us the same way you always have because our contact information is remaining the same!

So, why the name change?

It’s all about simplifying.

The name Stearns Vet Outlet and Pharmacy has great meaning to each of us. It was developed out of pride and loyalty to the communities in which we serve; and the name defined us well in the beginning; but it no longer aligns with our current business offerings.

Throughout our 18 years in business, we’ve seen a lot of change in raising livestock, in agriculture, and in the products, equipment and services we offer—it’s all meant to simplify your workload and your operations.

Simplifying the name allows us to unify all of our products and services under a single brand—from animal health to milking equipment to route deliveries.

Why Leedstone?

The name Leedstone was derived from one of the first settlements in pioneer Stearns County, MN. It continues that pride in community; and metaphorically brings us back to our heritage—our agricultural legacy—while highlighting a pioneering spirit.

It’s a simple but strong name on which to build a solid foundation for the future. And, we’ll be more inherently understood and recognized by all of our communities.

How will this affect me?

You’ll simply see the new name in our communications with you.

In planning this transition, we have an even greater focus on nurturing our business relationships—in person, in print, and online. Although it’s an exciting time of transformation for us, our goal is to provide a smooth progression for you.

You’ll start seeing Leedstone alongside our Stearns Veterinary Outlet and Pharmacy name at first. Over time, Leedstone will become our primary name; but for now, we’re focused on developing your working experience with us.

Thank you for your continued partnership with us. Our front desk number (1.800.966.3303) and the we do cows tagling remain the same as always. Please let us know if you have any other questions.

Dr. David Tomsche, DVM
Stearns Vet Outlet and Pharmacy | Leedstone

Dr. Daniel Tomsche, DVM
Stearns Vet Outlet and Pharmacy | Leedstone

An Agricultural Legacy

America has been home to farms as long as there have been settlers here to tend them. These farms are their heritage—one that’s been kept strong for generations. We were all born for this; it’s in our soul.

Like any inheritance, there is a responsibility to leave this way of life better than how we found it.

Our comprehensive approach achieves better, faster results while making the community stronger and more productive every day. This industry isn’t just our livelihood. It’s our legacy.

Let’s do this together.

We’re the people you know. Tell us how we can help.

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Family & Veterinarian owned since 1994

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