Controlling Parasites in Horses

As grazing animals, the possibility of your horse ingesting parasite eggs is very normal. Submitting a periodic fecal sample from your horse to your veterinarian can help determine the prevalence of parasites in the environment.

What can I do to help reduce ingested parasites?

Parasites are naturally found throughout the environment. However, the amount living in any particular environment can be managed by performing the tasks mentioned below.

  • Mow and harrow pastures often. Doing so breaks up manure piles and exposes parasite eggs to air and damaging rays of the sun. Or remove manure completely.
  • Rotate pastures with other livestock, like cattle or sheep, if possible. Or rest pastures all together.
  • In group settings, house and graze horses according to age for maximum efficacy of your deworming program; it reduces exposure to certain parasites.
  • Avoid overcrowding the pasture. Ideally, allow 1 acre of grazing per horse.
  • Keep feed off the ground with a hay or grain feeder.
  • Remove bot eggs from horses’ coats promptly. Wiping daily with a warm, wet towel will stimulate the eggs to hatch early; causing the emerging larvae to dry out and die.
  • Rotate between different active ingredients in horse wormers to decrease resistance. View Developing an Equine Rotational Calendar to learn more.
  • Consult your veterinarian for the most effective deworming program for you.

How can I tell if my horse has parasites?

Parasite Signs and Symptoms
Bots Unthriftiness; colic (in large numbers) in the gut; occasional diarrhea or constipation
Pinworms Tail rubbing; itching and irritation around anus; discharge and worms visible around anus
Roundworms Unthriftiness; bowel problems or colic (when present in large number); migrating roundworm larvae can also potentially harm the lungs of young horses
Strongyles Anemia, dull hair-coat, diarrhea and unthrifty appearance
Tapeworms Mild diarrhea, colic, decreased growth rate and/or weight loss
Find all horse dewormers here.
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